Top 50 Writer’s Blogs

Best-Writing-Blogs-top-50Positive Writer recently released their “List of the Top 50 Writing Blogs.” Until I saw this list, I’d never heard of Positive Writer, so I can’t say their list of 50 best writing blogs is any better than any other list of writing blogs. However, I do see some I recognize here, and they’ve given an example of a favorite post from each blog, so I’m willing to believe they’ve done due diligence in putting this list together.

It’s also a good example of a “top #” list, because all the bloggers on this list are going to repost the list to their own blogs. That’s 50 reposts. And a bunch of other people will pick it up from those blogs and repost it either on their blogs or on other social media sites. I first saw it on a horror-writer friend’s Facebook page, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he tweeted it too. I’ve seen it other places too, so it’s getting around.

I won’t have time to go through and look at each of these blogs, but I do see several posts that interest me just from the titles. That’s why the author of this article was smart to include a favorite post from each blog. I will probably click on more links in this article, because I’ll either be intrigued by the title of the blog or by the title of the “awesome post.” That’s some smart list-making.

Click on a few of these articles or dig into the blogs and share your favorite in the comments. Tell me how you can use what you learn on your blog.

No, really. Look at the list.

Go now. Explore.

What are you waiting for ……

2 thoughts on “Top 50 Writer’s Blogs

  1. You’re welcome. I have to be careful not to take up all my writing time reading about writing instead of writing, but it’s worth keeping up with what other people are saying about your craft.


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